
One to one sessions will benefit clients who would like to deal with a specific personal issue, as I will tailor the techniques.

A typical session lasts about one hour: it starts with a dialogue for me to assess your specific needs and thus tailor the session to them.

Then several breathing exercises followed by 10 to 30 minutes of mental and physical exercises. While you are sitting or standing, I guide you with my voice throughout the session, which may include simple movements and visualizations.

Finally, I ask you to share the feelings and the physical sensations you may have experienced during the session. This is called the “phenodescription”: description of the “phenomena” experienced during the session. Children will often express themselves drawing rather than talking.

The session is audio recorded so that you can practise at home on your own. Four to five sessions are needed to master the basic techniques. The more you practise, the more efficient the techniques become. The ultimate aim is to develop your skills so that you can use these techniques on your own whenever needed in your daily life.

You will first learn the three key-techniques of sophrology:

  1. mental and physical relaxation
  2. identification of and release of tensions
  3. activation of energy

Thereafter, more specific techniques and exercises will be introduced, tailored to your needs.

I work in Pully and on-line.